Monday, November 28, 2011
Wix Sql:SqlString element - the SQL string format
1- Any Wix properties must be inside square brackets [].
2- Any square brackets that belong to SQl indeces that must be escaped: "[" -> "[\[]" AND "]" ->"[\]]".
3- Each Sql command mus tbe terminated by a semicolon ";".
4- If you use "Execute (N' bla bla ' );" then any string INSIDE this command must have an additional starting and trailing single quote.
5- If you use "Execute (N' bla bla ');" then any double quotation must be escaped by using 'ampersandquot;' instead of ' " '.
The following snippet illustrates each of the previous rules
<Sql:SqlString Id="FillAdjustmentDefinitionsTable" ExecuteOnInstall="yes" ExecuteOnReinstall="yes" Sequence="3" SqlDb="MasterDB" ContinueOnError="no"
SQL="USE DentalDB ;
Execute(N'CREATE TABLE #tempAdjustmentDefinitionTable(ThisLine xml);
bulk insert #tempAdjustmentDefinitionTable from ' '[APPLICATION]InitialDB\AdjustmentDefinitions.xml' '
with ( codepage=' 'ACP ' ')
INSERT INTO &qout;AdjustmentDefinition"
ThisLine.value(' '(AdjustmentDefinition/@Type) [\[]1[\]] ' ', ' 'int' ') ,
ThisLine.value(' '(AdjustmentDefinition/@Description) [\[]1[\]]' ', ' 'nvarchar(100)' '),
ThisLine.value(' '(AdjustmentDefinition/@Amount) [\[]1[\]] ' ', ' 'money' ')
from #tempAdjustmentDefinitionTable
DROP TABLE #tempAdjustmentDefinitionTable ; ' ); "></Sql:SqlString>
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
custom events at .net framework
//1. Define a class to hold custom event arguments
public class CustomEventArgs : EventArgs
{ // add the properties and attributes that needed to be passed in the event arguments
public CustomEventArgs(string s)
message = s;
private string message;
public string Message
get { return message; }
set { message = value; }
// 2. Class that publishes an event
class Publisher
// Declare the event using EventHandler
public event EventHandler
//3. Class that subscribes to an event
class Subscriber
public Subscriber()
Publisher pub=new Publisher();
// Subscribe to the event using C# 2.0 syntax
pub.MyCustomEvent += new EventHandler(MyCustomEvent_Handler);
// Define what actions to take when the event is raised.
void MyCustomEvent_Handler(object sender, CustomEventArgs e)
// the event handler
--------> third line at execution
//4. class to raise the event
class Raiser
public void Mani()
Publisher pub=new Publisher(); -------> first line at execution
pub.MyCustomEvent(new CustomEventArgs("testing")); -----> second line at execution
Friday, November 18, 2011
ASP.NET Report Viewer 2010 Auto Resize
The ASP.NET Report Viewer provides a wonderful job when viewing local or server (remote) reports beside its rich feature provided like printing, exporting and report and pages navigation tools
But the report viewer control itself didn't provide any tools to display the report control inside web controls correctly to stretch in height.
To solve the problem, JavaScript methods can resize the report viewer control to fit inside its control height as follows:
- When document is ready do the following
- Start a timer to enforce the report viewer height change. This timer is important because the report viewer height is not adjusted until it is fully loaded. If we change the height before the report viewer finished loading the report, the original report viewer height will be used
- In the timer function, we adjust the report viewer height
- Clear the timer when the report viewer height adjusted successfully
- Start a timer to enforce the report viewer height change. This timer is important because the report viewer height is not adjusted until it is fully loaded. If we change the height before the report viewer finished loading the report, the original report viewer height will be used
- When document window resize, set the report viewer height again
- Report height calculation is calculated to fit the window height minus the report viewer control toolbar to avoid displaying vertical scroll bar in the report viewer container
Note that you should set the SizeToReportContent property to false to avoid the report viewer auto calculate its height to fit the report content height.
The below ASPX page code describes how to fit the report viewer to the entire window of the browser (tried in IE 9 and chrome)
Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ReportViewer.aspx.cs" Inherits="NCS.Website.Reports.ReportViewer"
Assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
Namespace="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms" TagPrefix="rsweb"
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
type="text/jscript" src="../Scripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js">
var reportViewer = $('#<%= this.ReportViewer1.ID %>_ctl10').parent('td');
var rvId = '<%= this.ReportViewer1.ID %>';
$(document).ready(function () {
// Enforce height on the report viewer
var oldHeight = reportViewer.height();
// Poll the report height so it can be set after the Report Viewer has
// fully loaded. Otherwise the RV will default to original config
var intevalId = setInterval(function () {
if (reportViewer.height() != oldHeight) {
var rv = $find(rvId);
if (!rv.get_isLoading()) {
SetHeight(reportViewer, rvId);
}, 1000);
// Resize report viewer when windows resizes
$(window).resize(function () {
SetHeight(reportViewer, rvId);
function ReportHeight() {
var windowHeight = $(window).height();
var reportBar = $('span#ReportViewer_Toolbar').height();
var totalReportHeight = windowHeight - reportBar;
return totalReportHeight;
function SetHeight(rptViewer, rvId) {
var rv = $find(rvId);
if (!rv.get_isLoading()) {
rptViewer.css("height", ReportHeight() + "px");
id="form1" runat="server">
ID="ReportViewer1" runat="server" Width="100%" Height="100%"
ZoomMode="FullPage" ShowDocumentMapButton="False" AsyncRendering="True" SizeToReportContent="False">
Waiting your comments…
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Dart, Google's Programming Language for the Web
Dart is a new class-based programming language for creating structured web applications. Developed with the goals of simplicity, efficiency, and scalability, the Dart language combines powerful new language features with familiar language constructs into a clear, readable syntax.
Dart is flexible because it's both static and dynamic, it's both for clients and servers and it's useful for both small scripts and large projects. Dart apps are easier to debug, to maintain and to develop collaboratively. The language is optimized for performance and doesn't allow programmers to use features like defining constants that have to be computed at runtime.
For now, no browser supports Dart, but it's likely that Chrome will address this problem in the near future. The code can be executed "either on a native virtual machine or on top of a JavaScript engine by using a compiler that translates Dart code to JavaScript." Google already provides a simple online IDE called Dartboard that lets you edit a small program using your browser, but Dartboard will evolve into a full-fledged online IDE.
It will be difficult to convince developers and browser vendors to adopt the new language, but the fact that it's easy to convert Dart code to JavaScript is an important advantage. Google will promote it "as the language for serious web development on the web platform" and will "actively push for its standardization and adoption across the board". After all, "the goal of the Dart effort is ultimately to replace JavaScript as the lingua franca of web development on the open web platform." It's hard to say whether it will succeed, but it's worth trying to fix JavaScript's flaws by starting from the scratch. Google will have standardize the language, build development tools and develop powerful apps that use Dart to make a better case.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
MVC validation by Data Annotation ---Razor view --- Entity Framework 4.1
namespace myNamespace
public partial class MyClass
private class Metadata
public object Property_1{ get; set; }
2-enable client validation in the view:
@{ Html.EnableClientValidation(); }
@using (Html.BeginForm())
3- add the validation controls :
@Html.ValidationMessage("Property_1","*") // where "Property_1" is the property name which need to be validated
4- modify the controller to handle the validation : for example in the action we provide 2 different pathes , one for isValid== true another for is valid == false:
for example:
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// do work
// another work
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
SQL 2005 Replication Hell
Also this kind of replication is two way replication with instant synch, in other words what happen in branch 1 should appear in branch 2 instantly if connection is up.
So our choice was SQL 2005 Transactional Replication with Updatable Subscribers.
The main pain was in solving replication issues which concentrate in:
1- If connection is not reliable, the replication start conflicting without any way to find the reason of conflict. Is it data conflict due to concurrency or a conflict due to a failed stored procedure?
2- Triggers are a real hell in SQL 2005 Replication. You need to full understand the replication operations internals to be able to solve the triggers/replication issues
3- The replication logs didn't deliver that much information to be able to find the core cause of replication conflicti ssue
4- The SQL Replication Monitor is a joke. you cannot rely on it to really monior or find problems in your replication deployment. And the Monitor itself causes issues to the replication monitor parameters if left open for long period of time.
5- The SQL BOL is really not helpful to understand the internals of SQL Replication which is necessary with business requirement challenges here in egypt
In the next post I will provide some usefull links that may help you in your transactional replication problems regarding main causes of data conflict which is not based on data concurrency.
Also in future posts I will introduce SQL 2008 Replication deployment experience and I will give a comparison with SQL 2005 Replication (the odds and evens)