Thursday, December 22, 2011

RDLC reports at MVC project

RDLC reports cannot have connection string and can't directly connected to the database , instead we use the "Object" datasource to provide data to the reports.

The "Object" datasource provides, at the design time , the report by the structure of the data that  will be passed to the report at the runtime

The datasources cannot be added to the MVC project so we need a class library that the datasources will be built upon


  1. create a class library project 
  2. add the "ViewModel" class -- that will have the structure of the data 
  3. for example
public class PatientViewModel
public int Id{get;set;}
public string Name{get;set;}
    4. at the solution explorer , select the ViewModelClassLibrary project
    5. at the menu bar => Data => select =>Add New DataSource 
    6. Data Source configuration wizard open => select "Object" Data source =>Next
    7.  select "PatientViewModel " class => finish
    8.create the MVC project 
   9. add new folder called "forms" at the project main folder
  10. add new rdlc report to the folder 
  11 . open the report => at the view menu => press " report data"
12 .create new datasets  => in the list , you will find the created data source at point  (7)
 and give the dataset a specific name => for example => PatientDataSet
13 . at the controller  , create an action for the report
 public ActionResult GetReport()
            LocalReport rep = new LocalReport();
            rep.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("~/Forms/MyReport.rdlc");
            List<PatientViewModel> patients = GetPatients();
            rep.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("PatientDataSet", patients));
            //Render the report
            _renderedBytes = rep.Render(
                out _mimeType,
                out _encoding,
                out _fileNameExtension,
                out _streams,
                out _warnings);
            return File(_renderedBytes, _mimeType);

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